Prime Minister's Youth Programme

Through the Prime Minister's Youth Programme, a powerful wave of empowerment is sweeping through the country, ensuring that no dream is left unfulfilled. By harnessing the potential of our bright and ambitious youth, this programme is laying the foundation for a prosperous and innovative Pakistan.

PM Msg

Our 4E's


Promoting Technical Skills Training along with formal Education.


Enhancing the number of Job opportunities for Young Population.


Aim to fight against climate change by engaging youth in healthy activities that help the environment.

Our Achievement

~ 106 Bn

Amount Disbursed

~ 130 K

Loan Distributed

~ 600 K

Laptops Distributed

~ 217 K

Skills Scholarships

~ 8 K

Total Courses Provided

~ 73 K

Total Engaged in Sports

~ 137

GYM Clubs


Explore Opportunities

Loan Scheme

PMYB&ALS encourages youngsters to start their own businesses by offering business loans through 15 Commercial, Islamic, and SME banks with straight forward terms and low markup. All Pakistani citizens with business potential between the ages of 21 and 45 are eligible to apply for the loan. The minimum age requirement for IT/E-Commerce-related firms is 18 years old. Only through our website must applications be submitted.

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PM's Laptop

PM’s Youth Laptop Scheme aims to empower bright and hardworking students, equipping them with the tools to access knowledge, foster innovation, and uplift their skills. By providing laptops, this initiative paves the way for independent learning, enabling the youth to embark on a path towards success and self-sufficiency.

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Embark on an exciting career journey with us! We offer a wide range of career opportunities that await you. Click here to take the first step toward success and explore the job openings that align with your aspirations.

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Unlock your potential with the Prime Minister's Youth Programme's diverse selection of free skill development courses and certifications. Whether you're looking to enhance your existing skills or acquire new ones, our courses pave the way for better opportunities ahead. Click here to seize the chance to upgrade your skills and unlock a brighter future.

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The Prime Minister's youth Programme, in partnership with Coursera, Microsoft, DigiSkills and edX Havard University offers cutting-edge certifications to equip youngsters with in-demand skills. Tech, vocational, and digital skills certifications are available. This initiative seeks to improve youth employability, stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship, and help them succeed in today's competitive job market.

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Fuel your academic journey with our range of scholarships designed for talented students at various levels. Whether you're in high school, pursuing a bachelor's, master's, or even a PhD, we have detailed information and opportunities available for you. Click here to discover the scholarships that can support your educational aspirations and pave the way for a successful future.

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Ignite your passion and unleash your true potential through engaging competitions organized under the Prime Minister's Youth Programme. Join these exciting challenges to showcase your talent, gain valuable experience, and seize opportunities for personal growth. Click here to unlock your hidden potential and participate in the competitive events that can shape your future.

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Are you eager to gain professional experience and kickstart your career? The Prime Minister's Youth Programme internship programme offers valuable internships to individuals from various educational backgrounds. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain practical knowledge and valuable insights. Click here to explore internship opportunities and begin your professional learning journey.

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The National Youth Council involves youth in the policy-making of the country, allowing them to highlight key issues associated with youth. The council consists of some of the country's most talented and dedicated youngsters who have transformed their communities, gained national and international recognition for their work, and are dedicated to improving their nation.

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Our Success Stories

Watch Success Stories of Prime Minister’s Youth Programme Different Initiatives.

Learn, Grow and Get Hired!

Download Our App

The Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP) app brings all PMYP initiatives to your fingertips. This comprehensive dashboard lets any young Pakistani apply to our programmes, explore opportunities, and broaden their horizons. Young people can apply to various programmes including PM’s Youth Business & Agricultural Loan Scheme, PM’s National Innovation Award, PM’s Talent Hunt Youth Sports, and several others.

Join us today and embark on a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth!

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